Design of a master's degree program using modular curriculum theory by transformation objects XVII Taller Internacional de "Formación de posgrado para un desarrollo sostenible"

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Raymundo Murrieta Ortega
Norma Nava Ramírez
Mónica Gutiérrez Damián


The research describes the use of the modular curricular theory methodology by transformation objects, which establishes five steps: frame of reference, professional practice, modules, module development, and evaluation of the whole process. This methodology was used by a group of teachers specialized in the areas of Physical Education, Research, Sociology and Health Sciences, from the Graduate Center of the Benemérito Instituto Normal del Estado "Gral. Juan Crisóstomo Bonilla" of Puebla, Mexico, to carry out the curricular design of a master's degree, based on the organization of work in pairs with face-to-face and online sessions. The frame of reference used suggests the realization of a diagnosis, therefore the results of the evaluation of Physical Education teachers in the state of Puebla were taken, which indicated that there are still great challenges to overcome in the state, among them, the updating of contents to the teaching reality in order to achieve professionalization. The method of the study was based on action research and a schedule of activities was established that contributed to the emergence of the Master's Degree in Physical Activity, Sport and Health Education.


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How to Cite
Murrieta Ortega, R., Nava Ramírez, N., & Gutiérrez Damián, M. (2024). Design of a master’s degree program using modular curriculum theory by transformation objects : XVII Taller Internacional de "Formación de posgrado para un desarrollo sostenible". Congreso Universidad, 11(3), e37. Retrieved from
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