Experience of using tutorials for teacher improvement in virtual teaching-learning environments XVII Taller Internacional "La Educación Superior y sus Perspectivas"
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The pandemic generated by COVID-19 has promoted teachers' improvement to take on new nuances; For this reason, Distance Education with the use of Information and Communications Technologies has contributed significantly to the uninterrupted development of this important process in Medical Education, particularly in the Latin American School of Medicine. The problem presented is linked to the insufficient preparation of some teachers in the use of Virtual Teaching-Learning Environments. The following scientific problem arises: How to contribute to teacher improvement at the Latin American School of Medicine in times of COVID-19 on issues related to Online Learning? The objective of this research was to assess the experience in terms of teacher improvement with the use of tutorials for Online Learning in times of pandemic at the Latin American School of Medicine. The methodology used was based on theoretical and empirical methods using the analysis of documents and bibliography related to these topics, as well as methodological preparation. The results were: obtaining tutorials to support the postgraduate courses taught and the improvement of teachers' knowledge and practice in Online Learning. Conclusion: Teacher improvement in these health circumstances did not stop in Postgraduate Education at the Latin American School of Medicine. Distance Education supported by Virtual Teaching-Learning Environments contributed significantly and the tutorials constituted necessary methodological avenues.
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