The inverted classroom: didactic methodology to explain the subject of agroecology and sustainable agriculture XIV Taller Internacional de "Pedagogía de la Educación Superior"

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Sergio Luis Rodríguez Jiménez
Sonia Beatriz Jardines González
Jorge Luis Álvarez Marqués
Anabel García Montes de Oca
Caridad Díaz Bofill


The objective of this work is to apply the inverted classroom methodology in the Agroecology and Sustainable Agriculture subject that is taught in the fourth year of the Agronomy career of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of the University of Matanzas, Cuba, during the 2022 academic year. Mixed qualitative research; part of a theoretical review of the works and authors who have contributed with the methodology for its application. It was applied in a group of 23 students of the final year of the Career. Study Guides are prepared for the four topics that make up the subject. Digital teaching materials and videos are delivered. The final evaluation is the development of a Workshop that integrates the topics taught, as well as the contents of other subjects that are explained in the academic year; the results of the participation of the group of students, together with their teachers, in the agrarian extension project called "Movement Sow with Science" are addressed. It was evidenced that the flipped classroom methodology increases students' interest in active learning, their preparation and participation is better and greater; they acquire professional skills, significantly improve communication between students and teachers and are motivated by the topics of the subject Agroecology and Sustainable agriculture.


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Rodríguez Jiménez, S. L., Jardines González, S. B., Álvarez Marqués, J. L., García Montes de Oca, A., & Díaz Bofill, C. (2024). The inverted classroom: didactic methodology to explain the subject of agroecology and sustainable agriculture : XIV Taller Internacional de "Pedagogía de la Educación Superior". Congreso Universidad, 11(2), e25. Retrieved from
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