The Edad de Oro of José Martí: forerunner of interculturalism and the culture of peace VI Taller sobre "La Enseñanza de las Artes en la Educación Superior"

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María Emilia Soteras Zambrano
Roberto Hernández Biosca


The authors reflect on the relevance and validity of José Martí's thought and how the Cuban hero anticipated the understanding and use of a system of cultural categories for the interpretation and transformation of contemporaneity, such as cultural diversity, cultural development, multiculturalism, interculturality. They are based on the texts of La Edad de Oro, a children's magazine published in New York by the Cuban Apostle "dedicated to the children of America", as he declares on the covers of its four issues, published between July 1 and August 1. October 1889. Texts where pre-Hispanic Mexican cultures are valued, or where they are inserted in parity of rights with those of other latitudes, are taken as case studies. The author's intention in publishing the magazine was to disseminate among his little readers the best of universal culture, including the almost totally invisible American pre-Hispanic cultures, because "peoples who do not know each other have to hurry to get to know each other, like those who are going to fight together". Reciprocal knowledge, respect, and inclusion promoted by intercultural practices are the bases of cultural constructions that promote solidarity and peaceful coexistence of different people.


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Soteras Zambrano, M. E., & Hernández Biosca, R. (2024). The Edad de Oro of José Martí: forerunner of interculturalism and the culture of peace : VI Taller sobre "La Enseñanza de las Artes en la Educación Superior". Congreso Universidad, 11(2), e24. Retrieved from
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