Fundamentals for a theoretical-methodological conception of academic efficiency in cuban higher education I Taller “La perspectiva informacional en la Educación Superior transformadora, de calidad, pertinente y sostenible”
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In the process of certification of higher education careers and institutions, the evaluation of the results of professional training through Academic Efficiency allows the materialization of actions for the continuous improvement of quality. Fundamentals are offered here for a theoretical-methodological conception of Academic Efficiency on conceptual bases and methodological tools that argues for the resizing of its conceptualization, recognizing its procedural nature and integrating qualitative and quantitative aspects. These foundations are based on the principles of Logic and Statistics; in the existing interrelation between data – indicator - information - knowledge; the conception of integral pedagogical formation; and the conception of education and formation of the personality contained in the thought and work of Fidel Castro. Both conceptions are led by research projects that are carried out from the University of Pedagogical Sciences "E. José Varona” and of which the author is a member. The concept of comprehensive training responds to the project: "Pedagogical comprehensiveness in the university training of education professionals" (associated with the Sectoral Program of the Ministry of Higher Education: "Higher education and sustainable development") and the concept of thought and work of Fidel Castro responds to the institutional project: "Fidel Castro Ruz, conception of education and formation of personality". The purpose of the model-proposal is the assurance of quality and continuous improvement of Academic Efficiency at the collective level of year, career, faculty and institutional.
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