Kinematic study of the execution of the free throw in basketball players of the 11-12 years old category II Taller "Actividad Física y Deporte"
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The kinematic study presented in this research allowed evaluating the execution of the free throw in three basketball players of immediate perspective, of the 11-12 years old category of the La Lisa team, from the initial or preparatory phases, of realization or execution and of culmination or end of the technical element, in real game conditions or similar to the same; from a detailed description of the technical action object of study. For the elaboration of tests and pedagogical tests destined to the control of the technical preparation in the Integral Program of Preparation of the Athlete and in the Teaching Program, it was taken into account the evaluation of the biomechanical indicators of free throw, consulted in the different specialized bibliographies to determine the mechanical regularities that influenced the structure and evaluation of the movement and at the same time to specify the errors that were produced at the moment of its execution. The motivation to carry out this work arose from the need of basketball coaches and managers to obtain precise forms of evaluation, from the tangible results during the technical preparation. In conducting the research, theoretical, empirical, biomechanical, Kinovea videography techniques and mathematical statistics methods were used. The content of the research, was considered of great utility for the updating of professionals at different levels of performance, to teach and consolidate the technical fundamentals of basketball in sports initiation.
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