Notes for the beginning of a research: an experience with Bachelor of Music students VI Taller sobre "La Enseñanza de las Artes en la Educación Superior"
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Traditionally, the curriculum for the training of the musician culminates with a graduation recital where the development of skills in the student during the career can be seen. Nowadays, alternatives appear for the completion of studies that may seem advantageous, however, facing the writing of a thesis for the first time makes the process difficult and sometimes delays the completion of the studies. To reduce these effects, the objective was chosen to design a thematic guide that systematizes experiences according to their research and that constitutes the axis of a reflection on the orientation of music students during the research project based on the curriculum, the theoretical framework and a orientation procedure. They were used as dialectical-materialist methods, in conjunction with other methods and techniques; The study has a qualitative and sequential approach, at the theoretical level, the historical-logical and analytical-synthetic method was used. Faced with the dilemma of preparing the Bachelor of Music student to prepare a research project from practice and in the final stage of their studies, a procedure was designed that constitutes a guiding basis for teachers or tutors who must carry out this work. taking into account motivational aspects, the skills that the student must acquire for the development of research, the actions that comprise the skill, the multidisciplinary characteristic of music and the profiles of the graduates of this career.
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