University extension: strategy and agenda 2030 at the University of Informatics Sciences XVII Taller Internacional de "Extensión Universitaria"
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Today's world shows social inequalities, environmental degradation, and a change of era that requires transforming the development paradigm towards sustainable, inclusive and long-term vision. Faced with these challenges, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was proclaimed in September 2015 as an expression of the aspirations of the international community to meet Goals that transform this reality, placing equality and dignity of people at the center of development. In this context, higher education has the social task of creating capacities in the actors involved in the search for solutions to global problems, which requires a different approach to university extension articulated from the strategic projection of universities with the Sustainable Development Goals. This work proposes a methodological alternative to project, with transversal character, the extensionist process as a transmitter pulley between the University and the Society in function of the sustainable and inclusive development of the countries, sustained in the objectives of Cuban higher education and its concretion in the University of Informatics Sciences of Cuba. The main result is materialized in the proposal to evaluate the university extension integrating in this process the strategic projection with the 2030 Agenda.
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