Actions to promote the planning of physical education classes in an inclusive context II Taller "Actividad Física y Deporte"

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Annia Gómez Valdés
Bárbara del Carmen Roba Lazo


Nowadays, inclusive education is considered a model that attends to diversity, in order to favor the learning and participation of students from their differences; which requires the preparation of the teacher to plan teaching-learning activities in a space where everyone learns, but in different ways. In this sense, the work presented here aims to propose actions that favor the planning of Physical Education classes in an inclusive context, as part of the university assignment in the postgraduate training of graduates of the Physical Culture career. Historical-logical, analysis-synthesis and inductive-deductive methods were used in the study of the theoretical assumptions that support the inclusion of students with disabilities in Physical Education; in addition to the work with documents in the review of specialized literature and that which regulates the methodological work of 17 teachers of primary schools in the municipality of Pinar del Río, as a starting point for the inclusive treatment of their classes. Thus, a work sheet was established for the planning of curricular adaptations that makes it possible to adjust the components of the educational process, supported by the delimitation of basic methodological indications and adaptive suggestions, according to the student's disability, in function of his participation with the group-class in equal opportunities. Consequently, the actions are implemented as part of the methodological activities of the professionals under study, which are reverted in the planning of their classes with an inclusive approach.


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How to Cite
Gómez Valdés, A., & Roba Lazo, B. del C. (2024). Actions to promote the planning of physical education classes in an inclusive context : II Taller "Actividad Física y Deporte". Congreso Universidad, 11(3), e35. Retrieved from
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