Proposal for a psycho-educational program to promote empowerment in old age III Taller “Universidad, Envejecimiento y Desarrollo Sostenible”

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Laura Sánchez Pérez


Empowerment in old age is a necessary pillar in order to achieve a more just, equitable, inclusive and sustainable society. The objective of this work is to characterize a proposal for a psychoeducational program from the theoretical and methodological levels, taking into account the gerontological perspective as a framework of analysis. The results express the benefits of a social nature before the implementation of a program of this type, which result in the strengthening of critical awareness, self-assessment processes and the social influence of the elderly. First, the definition of empowerment, the structural and/or dynamic components of the process, the mechanisms and levels of action of empowerment are identified at the theoretical level. Elements linked to psychoeducational intervention in the elderly are also outlined, rescuing the importance of experiential knowledge and reactivation of skills in old age. The following are established as methodological keys of the psychoeducational program: firstly, the Lifelong Learning paradigm and participatory-action research, assuming its essential characteristics of 1) cyclical and recursive, 2) participatory, 3) qualitative and 4) reflective. The methods, techniques and instruments are characterized: participant observation, focus groups and workshop as a methodological strategy. It also describes in a general way the objectives, evaluation mechanisms, thematic structure and modality of registration and analysis of the information of the psychoeducational program proposal to promote empowerment in old age.


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How to Cite
Sánchez Pérez, L. (2024). Proposal for a psycho-educational program to promote empowerment in old age : III Taller “Universidad, Envejecimiento y Desarrollo Sostenible”. Congreso Universidad, 11(3), e31. Retrieved from
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