The training of interdisciplinary logical thought in university students XIV Taller Internacional de "Pedagogía de la Educación Superior"

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Maylín García Fonseca
Alexi Acosta Ávila


The proposal that is presented is the result of an investigation of doctoral studies which is oriented to solve the insufficiencies that are manifested in the integration of knowledge that limit the quality of learning in the training process. In this way, the need to improve the professional training process is generated, based on the epistemological foundation of the formation of an interdisciplinary thought in the university student, which reveals the essential particularities of this process when considering the cognitive mediation of Physics. as a structuring didactic nucleus of the formation of an interdisciplinary thought and that allows to organize the professional training process in a logical-methodological way. These scientific results contribute to the improvement of the undergraduate professional training process of the university careers of technical profiles since they contribute to the development of their learning to be and coexist in the future professional practice, for which theoretical and empirical level methods of the investigation.


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García Fonseca, M., & Acosta Ávila, A. (2024). The training of interdisciplinary logical thought in university students : XIV Taller Internacional de "Pedagogía de la Educación Superior" . Congreso Universidad, 11(3), e27. Retrieved from
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