Universities: creating capacities regarding government management based on science and innovation XIV Taller Internacional “Universidad, Ciencia y Tecnología”

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Luis Orlando Aguilera García
Kerslin Velázquez Rodríguez
Yanet Fernández Peña


Capabilities building is recognized as a key element of the governance system based on science and innovation. Its attention is part of one of the projects of the Government, Institutionality and Macroeconomics Macroprogram. The universe of essential capabilities for government management includes innovation, communication, management (based on the organization of effective work systems and the introduction of knowledge management tools), and technological capabilities (linked above all to digital transformation processes). However, the processes that lead to providing local government decision-makers with the capacities considered necessary for their management face many limitations. Identifying them and devising actions to reduce their negative effects are the objectives of this paper. The paper exposes results and projections that have been conceived, and some of them introduced in practice, in Holguin province from the government-university alliance. It is based on the study of the fundamentals of the theory of capabilities carried out by Amartya Sen fundamentally, on the elaborations of the DUI mode of innovation and learning in Lundvall and the contributions of Díaz-Canel and Núñez Jover in their recent publications on the basis of the Cuban experience, among others.


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Aguilera García, L. O., Velázquez Rodríguez, K., & Fernández Peña, Y. (2024). Universities: creating capacities regarding government management based on science and innovation: XIV Taller Internacional “Universidad, Ciencia y Tecnología”. Congreso Universidad, 11(1), e10. Retrieved from https://revista.congresouniversidad.cu/congreso/article/view/10
Scientific articles


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